<<< 20 JUNE

22 JUNE >>>


8:00 – 9:00 Registration (Entrance Hall – CEUE)
9:00 – 10:50
Paper session 3: Collaborative Environments and Perception
(Auditorium C – CEUE)
Session Chair: Don Brutzman
Screen Space 3D Diff: A Fast and Reliable Method for Real-time 3D Differencing on the Web
Jozef Dobos, Carmen Fan, Sebastian Friston and Charence Wong
A Web-based Solution for Collaborative Design Supporting Multiple CAD Systems
Hanra Lee, Tahir Abbas Jauhar, Imgyu Kim, Soonjo Kwon and Soonhung Han
Semantic 4-dimensional Modeling of VR Content in a Heterogeneous Collaborative Environment
Jakub Flotyński and Paweł Sobociński
Webizing Collaborative Interaction Space for Cross Reality with Various Human Interface Devices
Daeil Seo, Byounghyun Yoo and Heedong Ko
The Value of 3D Models and Immersive Technology in Planning Urban Density
Nicholas Polys, Cecile Newcomb, Todd Schenk, Thomas Skuzinski and Donna Dunay
Tutorial: X3D Geospatial (Room 4.1 – CEUE)
Mike McCann
This course will use real time dependent geospatial data to demonstrate the use of X3D Geospatial for constructing rich visualizations of terrain and sensor data. Attendees will get hands-on experience with personal computers with an open source web database application (STOQS) that oceanographers use to visualize and understand instrument data from robotic platforms. Knowledge of data-driven AJAX web technology is helpful but not required.
10:50 – 11:10 Coffee break – 20″ (Hall)
11:10 – 12:40
Paper session 4: Animation and Tracking (Auditorium C – CEUE)
Session Chair: Jacek Jankowski
Direct Manipulation of Blendshapes Using a Sketch-Based Interface
Ozan Cetinaslan and Verónica Orvalho
Query-based Composition of 3D Content Animations for VR/AR Web Applications
Jakub Flotyński, Marcin Krzyszkowski and Krzysztof Walczak
DynaMo – Dynamic 3D Models for the Web
Ulrich Krispel, Volker Settgast and Dieter W. Fellner
Efficient Pose Tracking from Natural Features in Standard Web Browsers
Fabian Göttl, Philipp Gagel and Jens Grubert
Workshop: CAD and Digital Twin visualization in 3D and AR on the Web, ISO standardization challenges for Industrial Data (Room 4.1 – CEUE)
Soonhung Han, Christophe Mouton, Jean Brange and Johannes Behr
This workshop will highlight the goals and activities of the newly convened ISO/TC 184/SC 4/(J)WG 16 – Formats for visualization and other derived forms of product data. Topics will include the New Work Item “STEP Geometry Services”, which aims at improving interoperability between the STEP CAD standardized format and ISO/IEC visualization standards such as JT, 3D PDF, COLLADA, and X3D. Additional topic will be the Digital Twin, PMI, Smart Manufacturing and Visualization as a Service for the Web, and virtual and augmented reality for industrial data applications.
12:40 – 13:40 Lunch – 60″ (Hall)
13:40 – 14:40 Keynote speech: VR/AR in 2018 – Ready for Industrial Use?
– Dieter Fellner
(Auditorium C – CEUE)

Moderation: Don Brutzman
14:45 – 16:30
Paper session 5: Annotation and Semantics (Auditorium C – CEUE)
Session Chair: Martin Fischbach
An Architecture for Semantic Distributed Augmented Reality Services
Dariusz Rumiński and Krzysztof Walczak
A Scalable WebGL-based Approach for Visualizing Massive 3D Point Clouds using Semantics-Dependent Rendering Techniques
Soeren Discher, Rico Richter and Juergen Doellner
Semantic approach to visualization of research front of scientific papers using web-based 3D graphic
Oleg Zolotarev, Michael Sharnine and Stanislav Klimenko
MoST – A 3D Web architectural style for Hybrid Model Data
Johannes Behr, Max Limper and Timo Sturm
Dynamic annotations on an interactive web-based 360° video player
Teresa Matos, Rui Nóbrega and Rui Rodrigues
Tutorial: VTK.js: The Visuallzation toolkit on the Web (Room 4.1 – CEUE)
Julien Jomier, Felix Veysseyre, Laurenn Lam and Lucie Macron
The goal of this tutorial is to learn about the VTK.js library, a port of the Visualization Toolkit (vtk.org) library to JavaScript to display and interact with simple or complex datasets and perform interactive post-processing to explore the data. The tutorial covers multiple topic of interests from visualization, programming and several domains of applications where visualization and post-processing are needed. Knowledge of concepts of 3D visualization and JavaScript is beneficial but not mandatory.
16:30 – 16:50 Coffee break – 20″ (Hall)
16:50 – 18:20
Fast-forward Session Chair: Amela Sadagic
A Virtual Car Showroom
Adrian Nowak and Jakub Flotyński
Campus SAGA: Historical 360 degree VR and Location based AR
Zhang Yanxiang, Yirun Shen and Weiwei Zhang
Design of an AR and VR supported SCORM Courseware Player
Zhang Yanxiang and Weiwei Zhang
3D Model Making Patterns for Active Architectural Visualization
Dominik Pielak, Mateusz Kowalski and Jacek Lebiedź
Super-resolution of Interpolated Downsampled Semi-dense Depth Map
Ilya Makarov, Alisa Korinevskaya and Vladimir Aliev
Novel Fitness Function for 3D Image reconstruction using Bat Algorithm based Autoencoder
Venkatanareshbabu Kuppili, Damodar Reddy Edla and Annushree Bablani
A Configurable Virtual Reality Store
Jakub Dziekoński and Krzysztof Walczak
Tutorial: Automated 3D Scanning
(Room 4.1 – CEUE)
Robert Sitnik and Maciej Karaszewski
This course will provide a comprehensive overview of the whole 3D scanning process, starting from planning, specification of technical requirements, through realization and monitoring and ending with final model preparation. The main factors influencing final data accuracy, quality, required time and budget will be discussed. Several examples of 3D scanning campaigns will be presented throughout the course.
20:00 – 24:00 Conference Dinner (Brovaria, Old Market Square)

<<< 20 JUNE

22 JUNE >>>

The Web3D Consortium is a member-funded industry consortium committed to the creation and deployment of open, royalty-free standards that enable the communication of real-time 3D across applications, networks, and XML web services. The Consortium works closely with the ISO, MPEG and W3C standardization bodies to maximize market opportunities for its membership. Visit us at web3d.org.