WORKSHOPS provide a forum for researchers and practitioners from both the web and 3D multimedia communities to discuss and exchange positions on current and emergent 3D web topics. Workshops may take the form of presentation sessions moderated by workshop organizers or open discussion on a specific topic of interest.

A workshop proposal must include:

  1. The title
  2. The names, affiliations and contact information of the organizers
  3. The proposed duration of the workshop (from 1.5 to 3 hours). Note, that the duration will be subject to availability
  4. Objectives
  5. A description of the workshop format – how many papers you plan to present, how many invited speakers, type of activities (e.g., short paper presentation, invited talks, demos, etc.).

The submission deadline is May 1, 2018. To submit a workshop proposal use the Web3D 2018 EasyChair Page or the e-mail address

The Web3D Consortium is a member-funded industry consortium committed to the creation and deployment of open, royalty-free standards that enable the communication of real-time 3D across applications, networks, and XML web services. The Consortium works closely with the ISO, MPEG and W3C standardization bodies to maximize market opportunities for its membership. Visit us at